Louis "Jerry"'s Memory Wall
We encourage you to share your most beloved memories of Louis "Jerry" here, so that the family and other loved ones can always see it. Share your favorite stories or comment on those shared by others.
One of my favorite memories with Jerry was our annual trips to the Hamfest. I don’t think I was more than 8 or 9 years old when I first started going and I was excited to venture off with the men in the family. Jerry, me, my dad, and my mom’s brother would head over to Civic Center in South Bend on one of the coldest days of the winter. We had to wake up before sunrise to get there early. We didn’t want to miss out on any of the good deals. We’d spend several hours shuffling through crowds, making our way up and down long rows of vendors who filled the huge conference halls with their new but mostly used electronic goods for sale. We’d gaze over and analyze the radios, computer gear, circuit board components, batteries, and random odds and ends to see if any of it “sparked joy” for our hobby interests. Some years we’d come away with steals, other years were a bust, but I could always count on a hearty breakfast together before we headed home. It was a morning I always looked forward to. If it wasn’t for Jerry’s passion for amateur radio, I would have continued to think a Hamfest was a smorgasbord of pork dishes, which, I’m sure, would also be an amazing event.
Nathan Konopinski
March 27th, 2020 at 12:19am
Though I only got to meet Jerry briefly this past Christmas holiday, I got a sense that he was a very kind and happy man. Through meeting him and hearing about Nate's memories of him, it seems he was a good role model during Nate's formative years. I am grateful to have met him, and my heart goes out to his family and loved ones. Sending all my love to Chuck, Lynn, and Jerry's family.
Jowain So
March 27th, 2020 at 12:15am
As children Jerry and I spent a lot of fun times playing. We both spent time at our grandma Ida Schultz home. She had 34 grandchildren but Jerry and I felt special. I believe it was a bond the three of us felt because we spent so much time together. I wish that I could be in Dowagiac today but I spend my winters in Florida. Cousin, Rose Ann Richert
Rose Ann Richert
March 25th, 2020 at 4:26pm