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Judy Parish

Judy Parish

June 1st, 1943 - April 9th, 2023

Judy's Obituary

Judy Ann Parish passed away in her home on 4/9/2023.

A graveside service will take place in May with details made available to close friends and family. Judy will be laid to rest with her husband, and son.

She was born on 6/1/1943 to Lincoln & Virginia (Huston) Byrnes in Dowagiac,MI.
Judy worked at Rudy’s/ Sunstrand for many years, and also raising her children. Anyone that knew her, knew she was a busy body that worked hard, and could hardly sit still.
She married the love of her life Jim, on 6/17/1960. They went on to have three children.
Judy could light up a room with her laugh and sense of humor, and always cracking jokes. She was always so positive even until the last of her days.
She loved to play cards with her friends, spend time with her grandkids, garden, cook and try new recipes, travel out west with Jim & friends. She also made the best Christmas cookies that she shared with many.
She was the funniest, caring, and most loving wife, mother , and grandma. She always put everyone before herself , even the final months that her and Jim had together trying to care for him.

She will be forever loved and missed, but is now at peace with her husband, and children that had passed whom she missed so much.

Judy is survived by her daughter Kim (Adam) Lawrence. Grandchildren Mandy ( Dave) Elkins, Tyler ( Emily) Parish, Parker Parish, Celine Lawrence, Tony Harrington, and great grandson Nash Elkins.

Judy is preceded in death by her husband Jim Parish, son James Kirk Parish, daughter Kelly Schieber, her parents, and sister Sandra Bailey.

Judy’s family would like to give a special thank you to Hospice, and the caregivers who helped care for her in her home.

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